Indiana GigaPOP Network Operations Report
07/14/2011 - 07/27/2011

Indiana GigaPOP Network Operations Center
at Indiana University

New Connections




New Services


Unscheduled Outages Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Outage Type Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

None during this report period

Scheduled Maintenances Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Maintenance Type Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

None during this report period

Downtime and Availability

Indiana GigaPOP Core NodesDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
rtr.bldc.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
rtr.ictc.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.30916%
rtr.ll.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.93530%
rtr3.ll.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.97325%
sw.111nc.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
sw.bltn.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.97913%
sw.ictc.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000% hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
sw3.ictc.indiana.gigapop.net0 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%

Aggregate Indiana GigaPOP Core Nodes0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.91076%

Indiana GigaPOP Backbone CircuitsDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
ING-111NC-ICTC-10GE-16200 hr 0 min100.00000%99.34464%
ING-BLTN-ICTC-10GE-15020 hr 0 min100.00000%99.77421%
ING-BLTN-LL-10GE-15010 hr 0 min100.00000%99.90437%
ING-CTC-TWTC-10GE-016180 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99658%
ING-ICTC-ICTC-10GE-015110 hr 0 min100.00000%99.93530%
ING-ICTC-LL-10GE-15000 hr 0 min100.00000%99.93530%
ING-ICTC-LL-GIGE-015170 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
ING-LL-COGENT-10GE-016270 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99886%
ING-ll-ictc-10GE-015380 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
ING-LL-LL-10GE-015120 hr 0 min100.00000%99.93530%
ING-LL-LL-10GE-015150 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
ING-LL-QWEST-10GE-016170 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%

Aggregate All Indiana GigaPOP Backbone Circuits0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.90205%

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenances

Ticket No.:1616:58
Subject:Indiana GigaPOP Participant IOT Maintenance
Affected:Participant IOT (ICTC)
Start Time:Sunday, July 31, 2011, 1:45 PM (1345) UTC
End Time:Sunday, July 31, 2011, 2:15 PM (1415) UTC
Description: Participant IOT will be briefly unavailable while Indiana GigaPOP Engineers perform a circuit maintenance. An outage of 15 minutes is expected; however, the entire window is reserved. IOT is multihomed and therefore remain reachable.